
Five Faces of Justin De Jacobis

If I had to pick a single Daughter of Charity to present to the sisters as a model, I would pick Rosalie Rendu. If I had to pick a single missionary to present to the confreres, I would pick Justin de Jacobis.

Drinking At The Fountain of God’s Word (Isaiah 55: 10-11)

With this hot weather scorching many parts of the globe, it’s not hard to appreciate the metaphor the prophet Isaiah offers as a picture of how it is between ourselves and God — more specifically, between ourselves and the Word of God.

Has Pope Francis “Made a Mess?”

Almost ten years ago to the day, Pope Francis told young people his hopes for World Youth Day. The sound bite people remember… “make a mess.”

Supreme Value of the Kingdom of God

On top of being the scribe who is trained in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus embodies also the supreme value that this kingdom is. The teaching is clear that the kingdom of heaven is the supreme value.  For there is this saying:  “Seek first the kingdom of God and his...
Holy and Just in the Sight of God

Holy and Just in the Sight of God

Jesus ushers in the new creation. He comes to make all things new. Hence, he wants us to be just and holy. The prodigal son goes back home. He stands for those who are not holy: robbers, evildoers, adulterers, tax collectors. But as it turns out, the older son should...