What Is Your Dream Today?

John Freund, CM
March 30, 2022

What Is Your Dream Today?

by | Mar 30, 2022 | Formation, Reflections

“Stop that day-dreaming!”

I suspect that each of us heard those words at least once in our childhood. Often it would be followed up with. “There’s work to do!”

Today, I ask myself “Am I a dreamer?” “What do I dream about?”

  • cessation of the horrors in Ukraine
  • an end to covid
  • personal healing
  • … fill in your own dreams

Let me ask the other question. How do I work to fulfill that dream? But first…

Have you ever thought of God as a dreamer?

I did not until recent times. Then I read that  Pope Francis describes God as a dreamer.

Think about it! … Isn’t God’s dream another name for God’s plan for us and all creation?

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”Jeremiah 29:11

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Cor 2:9

Once again, we are about to celebrate the feast of another dreamer… Joseph.

St. Joseph was a dreamer

Pope Francis reminds us that  Joseph was a dreamer. In fact, four of his dreams are recorded in scripture. God speaks to Joseph in a particular way when he is the most silent … when he sleeps.

(Keep in mind that we may not have dreamt the way Joseph did. But… do we have moments when we have stilled our hearts enough that we hear God speaking?)

In dreams, God tells Joseph

  • not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife (Matthew 1:20–21)
  • it is safe to leave Bethlehem and Egypt. (Matthew 2:13)
  • it is safe to go back to Israel. (Matthew 2:19–20)
  • to depart for the region of Galilee instead of going to Judea. (Matthew 2:22)

After each of his dreams, he acted. Joseph did what God asked of him in his dreams.

Joseph as protector and guardian of God’s dream

In doing what God asked of him in a dream, Joseph acted and worked as the initial protector of God’s dream… a dream soon to be manifested in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

What would have happened if Joseph had not accepted his role as protector of Mary and Jesus in the perilous early years of Jesus’ life?

Remember… neither Joseph nor Mary knew the details of the role they were playing in God’s dream of bringing us the ultimate good news. They both said yes in spite of not knowing the details of the script.

Pope Francis prays for dreamers

Pope Francis ended his homily by praying especially for young people. he asks “give young people the ability to dream, to take risks and to take on the difficult tasks seen in their dreams”.

Pope Francis also prays that each of us be faithful dreamers like Joseph… “Grant all of us the ability to dream because when we dream great things, good things, we draw near to God’s dream, what God dreams about us”.

These prayers should have special relevance for all of us who wish to follow Vincent and Louise as bearers of the Good News of God’s dream.  The marginalized so often have had their dreams snuffed out.

Questions for each of us today

  • Have I ever gotten beyond my own dreams to think of God’s Dream?
  • Do I recognize I work as an agent of God’s dream?
  • Can I accept my responsibility in God’s dream of a kingdom where we  one another’s feet and lay down our lives for one another?

Originally posted on Vincentian Mindwalk



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