
On Doves and Serpents • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"In actual practice this virtue is about choosing the right way to do things. We should make it a sacred principle, then, admitting of no exceptions, that since we are working for God we will always choose God-related ways for carrying out our work, and see and judge...

Places of St. Vincent

Fr. Bruce Krause, C.M. prepared these PowerPoint slides of special places in the life of St. Vincent de Paul.

Missing the Point!

Been in a conversation where someone missed your point? I certainly have.  I have, more times than I care to admit, been the one who missed the point.

A Canadian View: Refreshing Our Social Justice Approach

The term social justice can mean different to different people. It can also leave us confused on exactly what it is or is not.

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Thanks to God through Jesus Christ

Jesus it is who teaches us by word and by deed to give to God the right thanks that we owe him for the gifts we freely receive. The Samaritan, who sees that he is free of leprosy and goes back to give Jesus thanks, breaks the mold.  For he is a foreigner that Jews...