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The Little Brothers of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist: Mission, History and Spirituality in the Chinese Context

The Little Brothers of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist, founded by Father Vincent Lebbe CM in 1928, were born with the aim of serving the poor and promoting an autonomous Chinese Church.

Firewood for the Soul: Having a Voice

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Thoughts 08

Fr. Rooney reflects on the small ways of remembering that we are Vincentians.

Vincentians in Public Life • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

At the same time, another thirty conferences formed in the most distant points of the country, celebrated the same solemnity. How can we not have any hope in that force of association, exerted mainly in the big cities, in all the faculties of Law, in all the centers...
Who Knows?

Who Knows?

There is a story about an old Chinese farmer who lived in ancient times. He was the envy of his rather small village because unlike most of the other farmers, he possessed a horse.

Contemplation: A Boundless Reserve

Contemplation: A Boundless Reserve

The rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul discourages hoarding money, emphasizing that funds should be used generously for current needs without budgeting for the future, trusting in Providence to provide as needed. More important than financial aid, however, is offering companionship, empathy, and love to those in need, as true charity is not limited by material resources.