
It’s Called Fairness

A three-year-old screams “It’s not fair” when she thinks her brother gets something she doesn’t.  Another child cries out the same when told it’s time for bed while an older sibling stays up.

Who’s In/Out? (Mark 3:20-35)

I remember a man complaining that there was too much dissention in his family. He used a memorable phrase to describe their connections: “In a given month, who’s in and who’s out?”

Part 1: Prophetic Episcopal Message Washes Up On a Beach

In this Vincentian Mindwalk, I invite you to make your own judgment about how prophetic it was then … and still should be.

Generous to All like Jesus Christ

Jesus is so very generous to all to the end.  Those who believe in him and seek the kingdom of God are generous also to all. Jesus wants us to be generous to all, not just to those we like, who are good or like us. For we are to be like our Father in heaven who is...
Covenant that Is Better, New, Holy, Eternal

Covenant that Is Better, New, Holy, Eternal

Jesus gives his body up and sheds his blood for us. He thus gives the greatest proof of love and is now the mediator of the new and better covenant. Jesus tells his disciples that the bread he is about to give them is his body. He, then, says also that the wine they...