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Fourth Issue of Famvin Newsletter Is Now Available!

The Famvin Communications Commission has released the fourth issue of the bulletin “FamVin News”. Click to see It! ☝️

Letter from Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, on the Occasion of the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul 2024

As usual at this time, Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, President of the Executive Board of the Vincentian Family, has sent a reflection to the entire Vincentian Family on the occasion of the feast of Saint Vincent de Paul on September 27.

Vincentian Convocation 2024, September Letter #famvin2024

Fourth letter of invitation to the Second Convocation of the Vincentian Family, to be held November 14-17, 2024 in the historic city of Rome.

Have you submitted your registration yet, for the Rome Convocation November 14-17? Don’t Leave it ’til the Last Minute! #famvin2024

This Second Vincentian Convocation is a unique opportunity to gather with other members of the Vincentian Family from around the world in a space for reflection, dialogue, and renewal of our commitment to the values that St. Vincent de Paul bequeathed to us.

Now Available: Biographies and Liturgical Prayers for the Saints and Blesseds of the Vincentian Family

Now Available: Biographies and Liturgical Prayers for the Saints and Blesseds of the Vincentian Family

A workgroup made up of members of the Vincentian Family has been working in recent years on preparing a document that includes all the saints and blesseds of the Vincentian Family, offering a brief biography of each of them, and another document that offers the specific prayers for the Eucharist of each one of them.