There’s an App for That!
Vincent was a great believer in the power of communication. He wrote many, many letters. He stayed in contact with others. And now there is a new way to stay in touch and up to date with news and reflections for the Vincentian Family: FAMVIN is now an app!
The FAMVIN App keeps you up to date with our latest news and reflections. The display is optimized for easy reading on a mobile device, and it offers easy access to the Vincentian Retreat materials and information on upcoming events. The FAMVIN App can notify you of updates for Spanish and English news and reflections as they are released. News in French is also available.
Communication is a two-way street. With the App you can easily submit news stories and images to our editors for inclusion on the website.
The FAMVIN App is simple to install. It is available via the Google Play Store and the App Store (Apple) as a free App. To get yours, you can go to the Play Store (Android) or the App Store (Apple) and search for “FAMVIN.” Or you can use the QR codes below.
Tags: mobile apps