
Planning a Campaign: Now on Social

Evangelization takes planning. Planning takes research. Research means reading a lot of current marketing articles. Often, when planning our evangelization initiatives we think of using social media. But we don't make a social media plan. What is this plan? A social...

Prayer Meeting With People: Vincentian Family Serves In Kiev

"A poor soul cried, and the Lord has heard her” These words  from the Bible bring hope. Every person is a poor soul before God. And if poor souls unite in a prayer, the Lord visits them, comes to them and is present among them. The Word of God inspires us, wakens hope...

Now on Social: Evangelize like a Pro!

To evangelize doesn't mean only reading from the Bible. Social media trends ought to concern the “professional evangelizer. To all of you who manage webs, Facebook pages, twitter accounts...whatever... this is for you! As of January 2015, 80% of Internet users own a...

Deep Christianity — Deep Charism

Though the lives and writings of our holy foundresses and founders are a profound source of wisdom, guidance, interpretation and praxis, to understand our charism -- that gift of the Spirit that Jesus shares with us -- it's good to remember that Jesus always asks his...