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VinFormation Slideshares

Did you know that VinFormation maintains a Linkedin/Slideshare resource? Like this one on Collaboration? See them all here. Slideshares are also great for viewing on mobile when you're on the go! [slideshare...

St. Vincent on Collaboration

Here is a useful presentation for your Vincentian group! Download...

A Mosaic of Vincentian Spirituality

SlideShare presentation: Fr. Antonius Sad Budianto, C.M. of Indonesia talks about collaboration in the Vincentian Family. He presents some models of collaboration, describes his own experiences with collaboration, points out some of the challenges and offers some findings.

What is Vincentian Collaboration?

This informative and challenging video was presented at the 2016 General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission. What is Vincentian Collaboration? Narrator: Vincentian Collaboration is nothing new. Its roots go back to Vincent, Louise...
Vincentian Family Leaders Reflections on Collaboration: Responses to Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M.’s Letter of January 2015

Vincentian Family Leaders Reflections on Collaboration: Responses to Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M.’s Letter of January 2015

St. Vincent de Paul told us “We should assist the poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting the help of others…. to do this is to preach the gospel by words and work” (CCD 12: Conf. #195). The Vincentian family was invited to focus 2015 as the...