A Mosaic of Vincentian Spirituality

Famvin Media Resources
August 7, 2016

A Mosaic of Vincentian Spirituality

by | Aug 7, 2016 | Collaboration, Formation

collaboration-mosaic-facebookIn the following presentation, Fr. Antonius Sad Budianto, C.M. of Indonesia talks about collaboration in the Vincentian Family. He presents some models of collaboration, describes his own experiences with collaboration, points out some of the challenges and offers some findings. Even though this presentation is from November, 2009, the ideas are worth revisiting. What do you think?

One of my favorite quotes from this presentation is that collaboration provides us with “A richer and clearer understanding of Vincentian spirituality, since the founder of every branch has their own emphasis in actualizing the Vincentian spirituality. Sharing our spirituality is like composing a beautiful and colorful mosaic of Vincentian spirituality.”

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