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Association of the Miraculous Medal
July 18: First Apparition of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré
by Famvin Media Resources | July 17, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation | 0 Comments
The Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia is proud to announce its Saint ALIVE program, in which St. Catherine Labouré comes to life, sharing the story of Mary and the Miraculous Medal.
Faithful to God’s Plan for My Life
by .famvin | June 7, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation | 0 Comments
It is “not that Catherine Labouré was holy because she saw the Blessed Virgin; she was holy because she was faithful to the mission given her to do.”
The Solitude of St. Catherine Labouré (Presentation)
by Famvin Media Resources | November 17, 2019 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation | 0 Comments
The mission that the Blessed Mother gave St. Catherine Labouré had her leave the solitude that fostered her asceticism, at certain critical moments in her life, in order to bring Marian devotion to the Church.
The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal Marks the 170th Anniversary of the Congregation of the Mission in Philadelphia
by .famvin | October 26, 2019 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, News | 0 Comments
The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal (CAMM) hosted more than 350 guests at the “Hearts on Fire” 170th Anniversary Gala.
The Message of the Miraculous Medal: “Come to the altar”… Live the Eucharist!
by Famvin Media Resources | Nov 22, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation
A reflection on how Mary motivates us to encounter her Son in the Eucharist and then, filled with God’s grace, to go out and act concretely.
When You Turn the Miraculous Medal Over…
by Rev. Carl Pieber, CM, Sub-Director General, Miraculous Medal Association | Nov 7, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, Reflections
The front of the medal already proclaims the omnipotent power of Mary…BUT TURN THE MEDAL OVER, and the power of all of Salvation is made present.
Virtual Pilgrimage of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (El Salvador) During the Pandemic
by Vincentian Family Office | Sep 21, 2020 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, News
This year, Our Lady visited everyone virtually, using different social media and networks.
Carrying Mary on Our Neck, Lips and Heart • Tales of the Miraculous Virgin
by Javier F. Chento | Nov 5, 2016 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, Reflections
In less than a month, the Vincentian Family will greet the Virgin with special affection in its invocation of "Miraculous." Surely this month many reflections will be published online, on her history, present, etc. Last week, we invited...
The Link that Binds Two Hearts • Tales of the Miraculous Virgin
by Javier F. Chento | Oct 29, 2016 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, Reflections
In a month, the Vincentian Family will greet the Virgin with special affection in its invocation of "Miraculous." Surely this month many reflections will be published online, on her history, present, etc. But today we invite you to do...
Resources – Miraculous Medal and Catherine Laboure
by John Freund, CM | Nov 28, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation
Resources for Feasts of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, St. Catherine Labouré St. Catherine Labouré was the Daughter of Charity who received and passed on a request from the Blessed Virgin Mary to create the Miraculous Medal worn today by millions of Christians,...
Passing of a Prominent Vincentian leader – Fr. Oscar Lukefahr, CM
by John Freund, CM | Aug 10, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, News
Father Oscar Lukefahr, leader of the Association of the Miraculous Medal based in Perryville, MO, died at the end of a very brief illness. He was diagnosed with cancer in mid-July.) The website states... For several years as our Spiritual Director, Father Luke has...
Miraculous Medal Associations celebrate Feast of the Assumption
by John Freund, CM | Aug 5, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, News, Vincentian Family
Beginning August 7, at 8:00 a.m. CT, we will honor our Blessed Mother here at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with a very special Assumption Novena of Masses. On each of these nine days we will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in...
185th Anniversary of apparitions – what happened since then?
by John Freund, CM | Jul 19, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, News, Vincentian Marian Youth
We celebrate the 185th anniversary of the first apparition of our Lady to St. Catherine Labouré, on the night of July 18-19. What impact did the apparitions have since then on the Vincentian Family. Father Corpus Delgado reflects on this in a lengthy article ... St....
Mary as a Model of Faith
by Aidan R. Rooney, C.M. | Jun 16, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Formation, News, Reflections
“Do what ever He tells you.” Bishop Joseph Bambera gives a simple, powerful homily on Mary’s example and role as the “first disciple.”
Celebrating 200 years in rue du Bac Paris
by John Freund, CM | May 20, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, Daughters of Charity, News
Celebrating 200 years in rue du Bac Paris with the Daughters of Charity (from the international website of the Daughters of Charity) On 28 June 1815, the Daughters of Charity arrived at their 5th Motherhouse. In order to celebrate this event, we were invited to gather...
Mary in the Vincentian Tradition
by John Freund, CM | Apr 29, 2015 | Association of the Miraculous Medal, News
As we approach the beginning of the month of may, Mary's Month, click here for some resources for understanding "Mary in the Vincentian Tradition" Of note... The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal in Philadelphia is celebrating its centennial (1915-2015)....