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Returning to the Sources

Returning to the Sources

“The up-to-date renewal of the religious life comprises both a constant return to the sources of the whole of the Christian life and to the primitive inspiration of the institutes, and their adaptation to the changed conditions of our time.” This verse from Vatican...

A Missionary’s Heart

A Missionary’s Heart

In the small village of Las Flores, Belize, poverty is prevalent and opportunities are scarce, and yet, it is a place of beauty, love and compassion. This is what Mark and Cindy Rhonemus have discovered.

Building a Home for Marion

Building a Home for Marion

LIFE staff, in collaboration with groups from St. Meinrad and St. Boniface, joined forces to construct a Hand-in-Hand house for Marion.

Returning to the Sources

Let Us Be On Our Way

Gospels present the life of Jesus here on earth as a journey from Galilee to Jerusalem (Lk 9:51). It was a Journey to his Father, which ended in his death, resurrection and ascension to his father.  On this Journey, he invited many to follow him and he taught them the...

An Undaunted Spirit

An Undaunted Spirit

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, operating the Maria Health Center in Rajgir (India), have devoted their lives to uplifting the less privileged, focusing on empowering young girls from the Musahar community and other scheduled castes.