Vincentian Family Paris
Dan Borlick CM writes from Paris…
Let our hearts and prayers open today for the people of France, who, yet again, are facing violence on a gruesome, callous scale not experienced in a long time.
From those who have emailed me, thanks for your concern (and prayers, especially for the 120+ dead and their families).
This all happened around midnight here in Paris, in four sites in and on the outskirts (banlieurs) of Paris….so, like most Parisians, I woke up to the news. I’m just now reading the details here at Charles de Gaulle airport where I’ll be all day, it seems, due to flights arriving 3 hours or more late from the USA and other places. There were very few people on the road this morning and all of France is now on its highest level alert today, first time since the early 1960’s during the Algerian crisis.
Other than that, my work goes well (Centre International de la Formation — CIF) and I’m well, having just finished our first “long-complete” CIF course for the Vincentian Family. We had 25 participants, only 8 of them men, 1 of those a married deacon with his wife from Montreal, Canada. The rest came from all over the world, notably for the first time, from Eastern Europe. So, lots of languages, after four weeks together, lots of laughs and hugs all around.
I’m traveling today to our CM Assembly (Province of the West, USA) that takes place near St. Louis, Missouri. I’ll be back soon, God-willing, in Paris to spend all of December and the winter here, and expecting my brother, his wife, and another sister are coming (I hope) for us to spend Christmas together.
St. John’s University’s student newspaper, The Torch, reports..
Discover the World (DTW) students on the St. John’s Paris campus have all been accounted for, according to DTW students Desiree Avila and Angela Vollmer. – See more at: