Austria officially honors Vincentian priest
Austria honors Wolfgang Pucher CM with its Silver Medal for meritorious service to the Republic of Austria through the 38 “VinziWerke” or innovative “VinProjects” he has inaugurated.
The breadth of these projects is staggering. Among them
- VinziDorf, a long-term hostel for the chronically homeless. Since its foundation Graz has been free of homeless people.
- VinziBett (night shelter for the homeless)
- VinziBus (mobile food bank)
- VinziHaus (point of contact for people seeking help)
- VinziHelp (legal and financial support for women)
- VinziMarkt (two social markets)
- VinziMed (infirmary with medical care)
- VinziNest (Emergency shelter for foreigners)
- VinziSchutz (Emergency shelter for foreigners)
- VinziShop (sale of used clothes)
- VinziTel (homeless hotel to bridge the short to medium term removable housing problems)
- VinziPort (Emergency shelter for EU citizens)
- VinziRast, in which a total of 450 people can find accommodations and 500 people can be fed per day.
Sozialminister Rudolf Hundstorfer will personally present the award in a ceremony in the parish hall of St. Vincent (Vinzenzgasse 42, 8020 Graz).
See an earlier FamVin story about his being awarded the prestigious Essl Social Prize of  1 million Euros for his many works.
His present concern are the Roma from the Slovakia Hostice. After frequent allegations that only beggars come to Graz, he started the project VinziPasta, a noodle factory. With this, the women of the village can earn money at home.
Tags: Austria