Connect and Learn: Society of the Sacred Mission

Vincentian Family Office
August 24, 2015

Connect and Learn: Society of the Sacred Mission

by | Aug 24, 2015 | Formation, Vincentian Family, Year of Vincentian Collaboration

Founded in 1894 at London in England by Reverend Herbert Hamilton Kelly (1860-1950) as a result of earlier collaboration with C. J. Corie, Anglican bishop of Korea (consecrated 1889), in the establishment of the Korean Missionary Brotherhood for the training of missionaries. The institute closely resembled Vincent de Paul’s Congregation of the Mission. The work rapidly expanded and developed into a theological college for Anglican ordinands, particularly those who would not otherwise have the opportunity, the means, or the educational qualifications to train for the priesthood. From the 1903 the College was located at Kelham, near Newark in Nottinghamshire.

logo-famvin-englishAlongside and in conjunction with the development of the College, the Society of the Sacred Mission came into being. In 1893 Fr Kelly and two others were admitted as novices of the new community, and before long many others joined. For much of its history the main work of the Society was running theological colleges, first at Kelham and later also in Australia, but members have always been involved in other ministries as well. In 1902 the Society began working in South Africa and has been extensively engaged in pastoral, educational and mission work there and in Lesotho. With changing patterns of theological education, the colleges were closed in the 1970s, but the Society has continued to be engaged in the sacred mission in a wide variety ways, seeking always for any new opportunities for glorifying God that he may give.



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