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connect and learn YVC

Vincentian Family in Ecuador: Connect and Learn

News from the Vincentian Family in Ecuador. Please remember to pray for our brothers and sisters. "The future of humanity is in the hands of those who can give future generations reasons for life and hope" (II Vatican Council). The new Coordinating Team of the...

Vincentian Family in India: Connect and Learn!

The Vincentian Family 10th Annual Meeting was held in St Vincent’s Retreat Center, Gopalpur on Sea, on 12th and 13th of March, 2016. There were 43 participants from 9 branches of the Vincentian Family. Bishop Emeritus Thomas Thiruthali, C.M., and Bishop Simon...

Handmaids of Charity (Ancelle della Carità)

The Handmaids of Charity (Ancelle della Carita) were founded in 1840 at Brescia, Italy, by Saint Maria Crocifissa di Rosa (1813-1855, canonized in 1954) for care of the sick, lepers, and elderly. Saint Vincent is considered one of their patrons. Initially the...

Connect and Learn: CONFAVI – Venezuela

ACTIVITIES AND INITIATIVES: The Team or Council of Famvin - Venezuela was formed following the first meeting of the Vincentian Family in July 2001 and since there has been a meeting every three months, and the coordinator changes every 4 years. We have conducted a...