Daily Reflection

"Let us serve God as he wishes, leaving to him the disposal of all." - St. Vincent de Paul - Today, Lord, I will be decisive and do something I've been putting off, leaving the outcome to you.

Daily Reflection

"We must know how to wait with patience and to expect more from God than from men." - St. Vincent de Paul - O God, your love for me is constant and true. Help me to be most fully the person you want me to be. I believe you will grant what I ask in your name.

Daily Reflection

"The greater my unworthiness, the more abundant is His mercy." (CW 2:41) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Heavenly Father, in spite of my great unworthiness you constantly favor me with your mercy. How can I ever thank you for so much love?

Daily Reflection

"May God remain forever in your heart and give you the strength necessary for every trial." (CCD 6:213) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you know well what is in my heart. You know my every thought and desire. Strengthen what is weak and remove all that is unworthy of...

Daily Reflection

"I ask God to be the heart of your heart." (CCD 1:310) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I confide to you the needs of my family and all those I love. Protect them with your strength and keep them safe in your heart of hearts. Amen.

Daily Reflection

"The power to sin greatly increases our merit, if we abstain from offending God." - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, you know everything about me— my thoughts, desires, and faults. Have mercy on me, forgive my sins and give me the courage to keep on picking myself up so...

Daily Reflection

"Charity is the cement that unites communities to God and individuals to each other, so that he who contributes to the union of hearts in a community binds it indissolubly to God." (CCD 2:413) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, give me a heart so filled with loving concern...

Daily Reflection

"We must never be surprised when those upon whom we relied fail us; it is then that God steps in to do his work." (CCD 5:442) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when those in whom I trust fail me and all seems lost, teach me to forgive from my heart. Be my strength at...

Daily Reflection

"Religion does not limit the powers of the affections, for our Blessed Savior sanctifies and approves in us all the endearing ties and connections of our existence. Religion alone can bind the cord over which neither circumstances, time, nor death have any power." (CW...

Daily Reflection

"Is it to be expected that all the world approve our every proceeding and we never have occasion to find fault with the deportment of others? In that case, God would have to change human nature." (CCD 3:462) - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, help me to ignore...

Reflections Quotes