And the verdict is in...

John Freund, CM
December 30, 2011

Amanda writes of her long Advent waiting for an answer to her petition to enter the postulancy.

“So you know how I mentioned that I was experiencing my own personal understanding of the meaning of Advent? That was my sly way of saying “so I applied for postulancy a month ago….and I’ve been waiting for an answer ever since” And I waited….and waited….and waited. I’m not going to lie, it seemed like forever….and doubts and self-consciousness started to pop up (“what if they don’t accept me? what will I do then?, etc etc”).”

But lately, as I waited longer and longer, I gave it all up to God. I said “you know what, it’s not up to me anymore….whatever the Council decides is Your will, God, and You know what is best for me. I put everything in Your hands” Before you think me holy in any way, know that it wasn’t easy…nor was it consistent. I was constantly fighting with myself over who was really in control: me or God.

But tonight, after so much waiting, I received the call. And the answer was….yes, I am accepted to postulancy with my beloved Daughters of Charity.

Finding out was like a breath of fresh air….it was a feeling of relief, a feeling of letting go, a feeling of peace, but most of all a feeling of JOY.

What an amazing early Christmas present. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

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  1. richardpeach

    when are they going to have a prayer card for sister justine bisqueyburu on her road too sainthood thanks

  2. Mary Powers, DC

    Welcome, Amanda

    You are in my prayers.

  3. Julie Cutter, DC

    Welcome, Amanda! We continue to pray for you and all those discerning the call to be a Daughter of Charity. I look forward to meeting you one day and sharing our journeys.

  4. Sr. Margaret Tuley

    Amanda, Welcome to our community and I am looking forward to meeting you. You will be remembered in my thoughts and prayers as you begin life as a Daughter of Charity. Love and God Bless, Sr. Margaret

  5. Sr. Marguerite Broderick DC

    Congratulations, Amanda! Rejoicing with you and giving thanks to God. Continued prayers! Sr. Marguerite Broderick