Speed dating for nuns???

Speed dating for nuns???

A “sister-in-training”  asks in her blog of the same name, “Who says religious life is dying?” “The women that gathered tonight are young Sisters and Sisters-in-training (and young-women-thinking-about-becoming-Sisters-in-training) from...
Doing the “Convent crawl”

Doing the “Convent crawl”

The Facebook page of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth draws attention to  a “Convent Crawl” to introduce women to the sisterhood as reported in  the Pittsburgh Tribune. It is a story well worth reading. Read more … http://ift.tt/1aNaXuG From left to...
CM Western province videos

CM Western province videos

Nuestra Historia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeYnDXayqVM John, the link above is to the vocation video Our Story but in Spanish (Nuestra Historia).  I just posted the video on YouTube yesterday.    Jim See also… Our...
A man drawn to serve the poor

A man drawn to serve the poor

In a time of ignorance and suffering there was a man drawn to serve the poor. And his story became their story… And the story of 4,000 priests and brothers, 25,000 sisters and over 800,000 people who walk in his footsteps. They face the challenges of those who...