WYD Message  “Think Big! Open Your Hearts”

WYD Message “Think Big! Open Your Hearts”

Pope Francis to Young People: “Think Big! Open Your Hearts” Holy See Releases Pontiff’s Message for the 29th World Youth Day Zenit.org writes “The Holy See today published Pope Francis’ message for the 29th World Youth Day (WYD), which will...

WYD themes 2014-16

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has decided on the themes for the next three World Youth Days. These mark a three-year itinerary of spiritual preparation that will culminate with the international WYD with the Successor of Peter scheduled for Krakow in Poland in July...

SVDP International reports on WYD

The international site of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul post the following information on their participation in World Youth Day. The Vincentian Youth Meetings started at night on the 18th July. A thousand members representing 22 countries throughout the world...