Pope’s Christmas Message to the world

From the conclusion… “Dear brothers and sisters, today, in this world, in this humanity, is born the Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. Let us pause before the Child of Bethlehem. Let us allow our hearts to be touched, let us allow ourselves to be warmed by...

What Does Francis Want?

It probably comes as no surprise that in his first Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis has hit on some fundamental “Vincentian” themes. This brief reflection is aimed at Vincentian small Christian community leaders, catechists, and preachers. My...
Pope speaks of “closed Christians”

Pope speaks of “closed Christians”

Pope: Rejecting the message because you reject the messenger doesn’t make sense The Pope believes that some Christians reject the message simply because they reject the messenger. Reflecting on today’s Gospel, the Pope said this explains why John the...