Jean-Henri Gruyer, Louis-Joseph François and Pierre Rene Rogue

John Freund, CM
September 1, 2008

These Vincentian priest faced a choice. They could take the oath and cave to public pressure or choose to stand for their faith and commitment as ordained priests.

The stakes were extraordinarily high. It was a choice between life and death. Two hundred years later we are reminded that in the face of competing choices and decisions in life, despite popular thought and pressure, some commitments demand our whole selves.

September 2, the Congregation of the Mission celebrates three Vincentian martyrs of the French Revolution Jean-Henri Gruyer, Louis Joseph Fran̤oi and Pierre Rene Rogue . It was only recently that two others were added to this list РJean Charles Caron and Nicolas Colin.

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  1. Astor

    Hi there again. How about these Vincentians that died on the French revolution and are included in the Hagiography Circle site:Jean-Baptiste Martelet and Louis Guinand, Louis Joseph Francois, Claude Francis Guin, Cesar Auguste Rimbault, Claude Joseph Vaucheret, Jean Pierre Frayssé. Andre Chamboret, Xavier Benoit Peliard, Claude Bonnabe, Jospeh Perrin, Jean Rambour, Jacques Eugene Bourgoin, Francois Greffier Jean Baptiuste Ghiedey, Francois Messin, Giovanni Agostino Giudelli and Bro. Francois Francillon

  2. jbf

    Point well taken!
    For more information about these and the specifics of context the original post contains a link to Vincentian Encyclopedia article Vincentian Martyrs of the French Revolution <a href=". This link may not have been evident as a separate link due to poor formatting of the post.