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William Graham

It’s About Love

William (Bill) Graham from Peel-North Toronto Ontario Regional Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers his reflection, It's About Love: As Vincentians we can, and in most cases, do great things, help so many people and sometimes change lives. We are so...

The Joy of Christmas

William (Bill) Graham from Peel-North Toronto Ontario Regional Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers his reflections on The Joy of Christmas: As Vincentians we commit and look forward to serving our neighbor in need in the best possible way. Each year we try...

City in Canada eliminates homelessness

William Graham of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Peel North Particular Council, Canada shares this story and wonders what Vincentians think of this idea. After all, who would not want to save $80,000 per homeless person per year while ending homelessnes in the...

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