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Vincent’s life lessons

Navigating the Realities of the Business World

Many ministries face a challenge navigating the realities of the business world, often described as “the real world.” Vincent knew those challenges well… and was a genius in facing these challenges.

Beyond Unions – Up Close and Personal

This Labor Day I found myself thinking more up close and personal. I am thinking about our co-workers in ministry and those we live with.

The Day St. Vincent Shifted from Retail to Wholesale

Four hundred years later the story St. Vincent’s sermon at Chattilon is still being told. But it is a story with even wider implications. The story of that sermon at Chatillon is the foundation story for what we call today systemic change.

The Pressures of Financing Ministry!

Just about any ministry requires financing to some degree. What can St. Vincent and St. Paul teach us?

Beyond Unions – Up Close and Personal

Vincent Was a Life-Long Learner

Vincent was a life-long learner.  Vincent didn’t just happen. Vincent spent his lifetime waking up to the demands of the Gospel and the needs of those who were poor. I am reminded of the monk Bede Griffiths, a life-long learner, who said in the 81st year of his life...