Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

The Daughters of Charity respond to homelessness affecting children in the streets of Kitale (Kenya)

Each year, on 10th October, World Homeless Day is marked to educate people across the world about homelessness issues, and to reflect on how homelessness can affect people of all countries, paths of life and ages, especially children. 

At the Service of People Experiencing Homelessness: Depaul Ireland Hits the Target of 27 Properties

We are very pleased to hear that Depaul Ireland, part of the 13 Houses Campaign, has managed to hit the target of 27 properties that they aimed to acquire, to help people experiencing homelessness secure a safe place to call home

Access to water: the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth work towards a right still denied to many

Water is one of the basic rights that is, unfortunately, still denied to many people across the globe.

Accompanying the Journey of a Refugee. What Have we heard? What Action will we Take in the Future?

The Second International Conference of the FamVin Homeless Alliance took place in Sevilla (June 7-9). During that time the participants reflected on the reality of refugees, displaced and abused individuals.