Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

“Human Trafficking and Homelessness” Webinar, November 24

The FHA proposes this webinar, symbolically placed on the eve of the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women, to put the spotlight on the global responses to human trafficking, and to examine the intersections with homelessness.

A First Step Towards Stable Housing for Climate Refugees in Papua New Guinea

The Vincentian International Mission Team (CM-PNG) recognizes that the lives of the poor will continue to deteriorate as climate change intensifies.

Francis blessed “Sheltering”, a sculpture that promotes the Vincentian Family’s “13 Houses Campaign”

He did so at his usual Wednesday audience in St. Peter’s Square. “Sheltering” seeks to promote the “13 Houses Campaign” to provide material and spiritual help to people experiencing homelessness around the world.

World Day of the Poor: Pope Francis will bless a sculpture that invites the world to care for the homeless

The sculpture ”Sheltering” will be unveiled next Wednesday, November 9, in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. The sculpture seeks to promote the Vincentian Family’s “13 Houses Campaign” to provide material and spiritual help to people suffering from homelessness around the world.