Vatican II

Reacting to Different Ways of Thinking

Looking at Jesus through the eyes of a Jewish person or a Gentile.

Systemic Change Begins with Education

St. Vincent instinctively realized the role of laypersons in bringing about systemic change.

“The joys and hopes” – Gaudium et Spes begins its 50 year

“The joys and hopes” – Gaudium et Spes (Vatican II) begins its 50th year – How does the church based on a document two thousand years old, relate that past to the present?” There are two joyful authoritative answers to that “Gaudium et Spes” and “Evangelii Gaudium”.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The tone of the debates about the document, “The Church in Modern World”, during a two year discussion of the document that has shaped the church for 50 years, seems eerily reminiscent of the discussion of the Synod of Bishops.

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