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Vincent’s Values: A Spiritual Perspective (Video)

St. Vincent de Paul’s ministry emerged from a set of values deeply rooted in his Christocentric faith and the person of Jesus Christ, the Evangelizer of the Poor. From an essay by Rev. Edward Udovic, C.M., Ph.D.

St. Vincent de Paul: His Road to Sanctity

In this video produced by the DePaul University Office of Mission and Values, Rev. Edward Udovic, C.M. reads his essay on the life of St. Vincent de Paul.

Unrestricted Readiness to Follow God’s Plan

In keeping with Superior General’s Advent theme of trusting in God’s Providence, for your reflection we offer this presentation based on an article by Fr. Edward Udovic, C.M.

Conversion and Discernment According to St. Vincent

With Lent’s focus on spiritual growth, reflection, and conversion, now would be a great time to pause and listen to a podcast, “Conversion and Discernment According to Vincent de Paul” written and narrated by Fr. Edward R. Udovic, C.M.

“The Vincentian Question.”

“The Vincentian Question.”

Podcast: "The Vincentian Question." Edward R. Udovic, DePaul University The Vincentian experience over four centuries can be summarized as an answer to "the" Vincentian question: "What must be done?" What must be done here and now in the situation that faces us to...