
November 6: Vincentian Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

Every November 6, the Church commemorates the saints martyred in the anti-clerical violence that took place during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). A number of them were from the Vincentian Family.

Fidelity to the Charism of Vincent

The source article for this presentation was “Fidelity to the Constitutions,” by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell, C.M., written to the priests of the Congregation of the Mission. The text of this version is slightly modified to apply to anyone who seeks to follow in the footsteps...

St. Vincent de Paul and the Rights of the Poor

In his time and place St. Vincent helped many basic human rights to become recognized as obvious and evident.

St. Catherine Labouré and St. Vincent de Paul

Presentation about the special connection between St. Catherine and St. Vincent de Paul.