Recent updates:


Seeing Christ in the Poor

A Vincentian Minute: Cradle to Cross

Fr. Rooney, in an Advent – Christmas video on the mystery of the Incarnation in Vincentian thought and practice, reflects on the spirituality that surrounded St. Vincent.

Lenten Reflection: Two Suggestions, this Lent

Presentation of a classic Lenten Letter of Fr. Robert Maloney, CM.

Vincentian Prayer Images: Seeing With God’s Eyes

God grant us the grace to see things as you do!

“Let Us Dedicate Ourselves to the Poor”

You can find great texts in the early Bulletins of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which are still fully relevant today.

Formation Friday – Essential Readings

Formation Friday – Essential Readings

For those new to Vincentian Spirituality, or those simply looking to review our basic elements VinFormation offers the following Essential Reading Vincentian Spirituality Seeing Christ in the Poor Vincentian Virtues and Charism Vincentian Mission in Today’s World...