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The God Minute: Song About Gratitude

Music video about an attitude that Jesus himself modeled time and time again and St. Paul said was the key to heaven: Gratitude.

Vincentian Prayer Images: God Speaking To Our Hearts

How often do we thank God for speaking to our hearts?

From Value to Virtue: Abelly’s take on Vincent’s Sense of Gratitude

Although it's not one of the "traditional" Vincentian virtues, gratitude is foundational for the Christian and Vincentian life. Louis Abelly, biographer of St. Vincent de Paul, wrote: He [Vincent] used to say that nothing was so efficacious in winning the heart of God...

Live in Gratitude: Imperatives for Mature Discipleship

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating in the U.S.A. Here's something to ponder: Live in gratitude: To be a saint is to be fueled by gratitude, nothing more and nothing less. Let no one deceive you with the notion that a passion for truth, for church, or even for God...

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