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DePaul University

A Young Adult Reflects on Saint Louise de Marillac

“Out of all the Vincentian figures that are highlighted at DePaul, I find Louise to be my personal favorite due to the fact that her life story is relatable.” – Brianna-Paige Alegbeleye, DePaul Alumna

What Must Be Done to Confront Global Homelessness? (Video presented at DePaul University)

What concrete steps can we take today as we seek a world where everyone has a stake in their community and a place to call home? In this video, Mark McGreevy (Depaul International) uses the analogy of an overflowing bathtub to help us think about the problem of homelessness. This is followed by presentations by Lydia Stazen (Institute of Global Homelessness) and Yasmine Cajuste (FamVin Homeless Alliance).

A Video On St. Louise’s Pentecost “Lumière” Experience From Mission and Ministry Depaul University

Journey with St. Louise de Marillac, to Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs church where she experienced a vision on Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 1623.

A Journey Into Saint Louise’s Life

In this video produced by Mission and Ministry DePaul University, Father Christopher Robinson, C.M., talks about Louise’s journey– her pilgrimage– towards God’s will for her.

What Must Be Done to Confront Global Homelessness? (Video presented at DePaul University)

What Must Be Done to Confront Global Homelessness? (Video presented at DePaul University)

What concrete steps can we take today as we seek a world where everyone has a stake in their community and a place to call home? In this video, Mark McGreevy (Depaul International) uses the analogy of an overflowing bathtub to help us think about the problem of homelessness. This is followed by presentations by Lydia Stazen (Institute of Global Homelessness) and Yasmine Cajuste (FamVin Homeless Alliance).