
A Canadian View: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Part Two

In recent years there has been considerable discussion and at times some confusion over the topics of The preferential option for the poor, systemic change and our Vincentian charism.

A Canadian View: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Part One

In recent years there has been considerable discussion and at times some confusion over the topics of The preferential option for the poor, systemic change and our Vincentian charism.

A Canadian View: 2020 Vision

The term 2020 vision refers to our eyesight as being near perfect. The year 2020 gave us a vision of many issues…

Vincentians – Celebrating and Challenging

Let’s remember what we learned during COVID-19, especially how we managed to maintain our personal relationship with those who, in addition to the daily challenges of living in poverty, must now weather the effects of the pandemic.

A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

A Canadian View: Freedom Behind Prison Walls

The Province of Ontario Regional Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul started the Ozanam education fund several years ago, which provides grants to a candidate sponsored by a member conference. We have helped almost 200 candidates. One unique candidate was...

A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

A Canadian View: Crime and Us

I have often wondered why our prison system in Canada is called Corrections Canada when there seems to be little evidence of trying to re-habilitate prisoners while they serve their sentence. It would be too simple to compare our system with that of the USA where the...

A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

A Canadian View: Words, Action and Prayer

As a long time Vincentian with a specific interest in social justice, I have occasionally worried about allowing our unique Vincentian charism getting lost or forgotten in the rush to address social justice and develop and advocate for systemic change which can give...

A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

A Canadian View: Vincent and Frederic

As we are now into September, as a member of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and the larger Vincentian family, there are two very important days this month. For many Canadians and our American friends who live in northern states, I think September gives us a...

A Canadian View: Diversity & Inclusion

A Canadian View: RESPECT

We were all saddened by the news of the death of Aretha Franklin, who was much more than a singer. She was a civil rights activist and a symbol of all that is good in America. In reading more about her life “off stage” one cannot help but have great respect for this...