A key: enter and let enter

Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), August 24, 2014 – Is 22, 19-23; Rom 11, 33-36; Mt 16, 13-20 Oh, the depth of riches! (Rom 11, 33) God welcomes us to his household, so that everything he has may be ours. In his household, we are each handed a key. No matter...

Pope suffers family tragedy

From The Australian….THREE relatives of Pope Francis, two great- nephews and their mother, have been killed in a car accident in Argentina, the Vatican confirmed last night. The dead included a baby of eight months and a two-year-old toddler. Their father, the...
Vincentian Discernment and Decision making

Vincentian Discernment and Decision making

“Ours is a world where we are saturated with information which we are expected to absorb and respond to, often instantly. Not only must we respond, but the expectation is that we will make decisions with wisdom, with justice, with compassion and with a whole array of other values. Where can we find guidance or a degree of certainty in making decisions? How do we know what God is asking of us?