Always Be Ready

Always Be Ready

Always Be Ready – God is Merciful – Doors of Faith – Mystery of Love Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday February 23, 2016 Always Be Ready – Lent is a good time to remember to always be ready.  Look inside and know what needs improving.  Do a...
Mortification of the Mind and Will

Mortification of the Mind and Will

Lent is a time when many of us are seeking exercises to get our flabby souls into shape… like push-ups or jogging for the soul. For example, what did St. Vincent mean by “mortifying judgment and self-will”? How can we practice this? Get some...
#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

In the Germantown section of Philadelphia, senior biology major Jeffrey Gansworth was one of eight students (and two chaperones) that performed work at centers that offered free food to diseased residents, shelters for the homeless, and after-school programs in the...