Know the date of your Baptism?

Know the date of your Baptism?

 Do you know the date of your baptism? This was a question he asked as he began a new series of catecheses on the Sacraments in St. Peter’s Square, focusing today on the Sacrament of Baptism according to Zenit… “Baptism is the sacrament in which our faith is...
Patron saint for business?

Patron saint for business?

 “(Newly minted Jesuit saint Peter ) Faber’s vision of the positive role of business is remarkable. He wrote two centuries before Adam Smith lifted a pen, during an era when the Catholic church generally looked askance at business. Yet in a few short...

Why we serve the poor – 80 years later

Some 80 years ago the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Australia offered their answer to why they serve the poor. The more things change the more they stay the same. Read it yourself to judge how well this statement has travelled the decade. Australian SVDP 1934...