The FAMVIN Digital Network

The Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more.




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US Bishops celebrate 1963 Civil Right Act

US Bishops celebrate 1963 Civil Right Act

USCCB President Highlights Achievements Of The Civil Rights Act; Calls For Unity And Respect Of Human Dignity Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights...

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.

Special: Conflict in the Ukraine

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