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Systemic change

“Seeing” – the Necessary Beginning of Systemic Change

St. Vincent’s pastoral insight was “See, Judge and Act.” It all began with “Seeing”!

“Normal”? Can Mice Teach Us Something?

“Who moved my Cheese” is a parable that describes how people face change.  It’s about 4 characters running around in a maze trying to locate their “cheese” or what is important to them.

Rip Van Winkle Waking Up In a “Post-COVID World”

We haven’t been awake to how digital technology is changing the landscape of our lives.

Laudato Si – A Call To Change Our Way of Thinking

Do you think it is possible to capture the essence of Laudato SI in one cartoon or just five words?

The Miracle of Seeing

The Miracle of Seeing

The miracle of seeing! What a miracle seeing is! So often it is taken for granted by those who can see. Lose your sight even just temporarily and your world changes. Technology is working miracles today, technology is helping the "blind" to see. But technology can...