
The Poor Evangelize Us

Pope Francis tells us that the poor evangelize us and help us to discover the beauty of the gospel.

International Competition for Writings on Félix Clavé, co-Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The General Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul hereby opens the International Literary Competition on “The First Conference.”

Vincentians Helping to Develop Catholic Social Teaching on Homelessness

Members of the Famvin Homeless Alliance and the wider Vincentian Family are helping to develop Catholic Social Teaching in the area of homelessness.

A New Approach to Life and Ministry in Slovakia

The Congregation of the Mission Province in Slovakia organizes a formation session for its members each year.

What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

Under the title "What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them" David L. Kirp writes in the Sunday Review of a principle that is bedrock for the Vincentian Family approach to systemic change. Invite everyone to the table, especially those most affected! He writes, FOR...