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The Future of the Multilateralism: Insights from the Upcoming Summit

In September 22-23 2024, world leaders will gather in New York for the United Nations’ Summit of the Future, an event intended to revive a multilateral system built for a different era.

NOAH Enterprise: 30 Years of Transforming Lives and Combatting Homelessness in Bedfordshire (UK) #famvin2024

A beacon of hope and support for those facing homelessness and social exclusion, NOAH (New Opportunities and Horizons) has been at the forefront of community service in Bedfordshire (United Kingdom) for over three decades.

Brazil: A Minibus Offering Dignity to the Homeless

The “Micro da Caridade” project in Brazil was created in response to the growing vulnerability and food insecurity of the homeless, aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Rosalie Projects: I promise you

The “I Promise you” project provided breakfast and a daily meal for kindergarten and primary school pupils at the Saint Vincent de Paul school in Kigali, Rwanda. « Many of these children come from poor homes. With the rising cost of living, families are finding it...
A .famvin Triduum

A .famvin Triduum

Triduum is important. It’s the center of the Church year and marks the center of our Vincentian lives too. Creativity needs time to re-center itself as well.