
Sister Piedad Aparicio, DC: Thirty Years of Ministry with Prisoners

Sister Piedad Aparicio is an admirable Daughter of Charity. She visits the prison daily in Basauri (Spain) and offers the men various workshops.

Rebuilding Beirut, Rebuilding Lives

The members of SSVP Lebanon are providing emotional and material support as well as health care to the people affected by this tragedy.

Ladies of Charity Caregiving Announces New Kansas City Site

LOCC is happy to announce that we will be expanding to Kansas City and expect to begin operations there by spring 2021.

Interview with Linda van Aken, director of “Vincentius Nijmegen” (The Netherlands) – Part 2

Part 2 of an interview with Linda van Aken, director of and driving force behind, the Vincentius Nijmegen, which aims to alleviate poverty and loneliness of fellow citizens.

Kick Starting a New Career

Kick Starting a New Career

The government’s Kickstart scheme is proving to be a popular way for young people to gain experience in the world of work, but the SVP has taken the initiative to another level.

Mercy on the Go: Mobile Confessional

Mercy on the Go: Mobile Confessional

Inspired by the Year of Mercy and answering Pope Francis' call to concentrate on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and meet those in need where they are, the Diocese of Lafayette Louisiana converted a donated ambulance into a mobile confessional. It first rolled out on...