
Visit to the Generalate of the Brothers of Charity in Rome

Fr. Joseph Agostino, CM, director of the Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia (USA), visited Bro. Rene Stockman, Superior General of the the Brothers of Charity, and Venance Kapita, member of the Vincentian Family Retreat Task Force.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 11

After the excursion to Assisi yesterday (Sunday) and after celebrating the Eucharist this morning, the delegates gathered in the Merry Del Val Assembly Hall at 09:30 hours. The session began with the invocation of the Holy Spirit (in Indonesian). The moderator...

A Place of Love and Care in Botswana

Mr. O was frightened. If he agreed to the surgery, he would lose his right foot and leg and possibly his livelihood, growing tomatoes in his beloved garden.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 9

After the celebration of the Eucharist, the session began with the invocation of the Holy Spirit (in Chinese). Video presentation of the Province of the Philippines explaining the ministry of accompanying widows and orphans of individuals who have been extrajudicially...
The Farm of Hope in Brazil

The Farm of Hope in Brazil

The inauguration of the new Farm took place during an open-air Mass celebrated by Bishop Antônio Fernando Saburido and concelebrated with the presence of other priests.