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Conflict in Ukraine

Introducing DePaul’s volunteer cyclists in Ukraine

It’s no secret that fuel is expensive – we are feeling it here, and the situation is no better in Ukraine.

Declaration of the Vincentian Confraternities on the Situation in Ukraine

THE VINCENTIAN CONFRATERNITIES united in the love of God to defend rights and justice, to practice loyalty and humility before God (cf. Mi 6:8) and committed to their Vincentian spirituality…

Meet Ivanna, Who Receives Food Baskets from Depaul Ukraine

Many people in Ukraine still lack basic necessities such as food and water. We continue to increase our humanitarian response.

Watch our volunteer cyclists in action helping in Ukraine

We are receiving funding from the Disaster and Emergency Committee’s (DEC) very successful Ukraine appeal. The DEC has produced a short video documenting the work of DePaul's amazing volunteer cyclists. Our volunteers used to deliver food for companies like Uber, now...