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What Does a Pope Do With a Lamborghini?

“Pope gets Lamborghini, auctions it to rebuild Christian Iraq” Upon seeing this headline (the full article is below), I was proud, once again, of our beloved Pope Francis for modeling a key value for us as Vincentians and as Catholics. He was walking the talk so to...

Day of the Poor, as Saint Vincent de Paul Wanted: An Interview with Father Tomaž Mavrič

ROME , November 17, 2017 / 11:00 AM (ACI Stampa). On the occasion of the World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis sent to all dioceses and religious orders a message entitled "Let us love, not with words but with deeds," in which he writes: "The seriousness with which the...

“To be a community entails supporting one another”: Address of the Holy Father at “(Re)Thinking Europe”

“In our day, Christians are called to revitalize Europe and to revive its conscience, not by occupying spaces — this would be proselytizing — but by generating processes capable of awakening new energies in society,” Pope Francis said on the evening of last Saturday...

Pope tells Vincentians to adore, welcome and go #famvin400

On Saturday Pope Francis said Vincentians must adore, welcome and go! Vincentians should share God’s love with action and service – “and that we can’t just sit around and wait for other people to perform our vocation.” “Love is dynamic, it goes out of itself,” the...
Pope Francis: Homily at Mass on World Day of Migrants and Refugees [full text]

Mercy2Earth Weekend

Brian Roewe from the National Catholic Reporter Writes: A coincidence of calendars this weekend presents for Catholics an uncommon occurrence, where Earth Day precedes Divine Mercy Sunday, an alignment of dates that has inspired some to use it as an occasion to live...

The Pope Video: Youth

The Pope Video: Youth

Youth, which is part of "The Pope Video" series promoted by the Vatican, was released Tuesday, April 4. Young people have in their hands the challenge of building a more just future, a future of solidarity. Let us support them. Let’s pray with the Pope that our youth...

Pope Francis and the Gifts of Lent

Pope Francis and the Gifts of Lent

Is it that time already? Yes, it is! Lent is just a few weeks away and Pope Francis has released his thoughts for Lent and its gifts. “The Word Is a Gift. Other Persons Are a Gift” In Lent he invites us to: rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin...

The Pope Video: Youth

The Pope Video: Welcome the Needy

Welcome the Needy, which is part of "The Pope Video" series promoted by the Vatican, was released Thursday, February 2. Every month we will see a new two-minute video from Pope Francis with his intentions and a motivating message. [youtube...