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Pope’s Intention – Sports, a Culture of Encounter

“Sports make it possible to build a culture of encounter among everyone for a world of peace,” says the Holy Father. “I dream of sports as the practice of human dignity, turned into a vehicle of fraternity. Do we exercise together this prayer intention?” On the...

Pope to young people at WYD vigil: “We did not come into the world to ‘vegetate'” Pope Francis arrived at Campus Misericordiae or "Field of Mercy” holding the hands of several youth of the world. Together, they passed through this symbolic Holy Door. Even some accompanied him in the Popemobile to the huge...

A Mischievous Pope

Last Wednesday, July 13, Pope Francis did one of those amazing acts that we are getting used to. The media said that, after attending a routine visit to the dentist, he asked the driver of his Ford Focus, instead of returning directly to his offices, to deviate a...

Pope Francis’ calls to aid Syrian families: A Vincentian Family Response

Pope Francis is urging Catholics to aid those who are suffering in Syria due to the ongoing conflict in the country, both in prayer and by taking in refugee families. Last Wednesday, June 1 (International Children's Day), Pope Francis called on Catholics and Orthodox...

The Francis list of resolutions

The Philippine blog Rappler compiles 10 of the Pope's most memorable quotes in the form of New Year's resolutions. This is the Pope Francis list. 1. Don't gossip. 2. Finish your meals. 3. Make time for others. 4. Choose the 'more humble' purchase. 5. Meet the poor 'in...

Francis – Fraternity and Peace

“In this, my first Message for the World Day of Peace, I wish to offer to everyone, individuals and peoples, my best wishes for a life filled with joy and hope. In the heart of every man and woman is the desire for a full life, including that irrepressible longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced.”

Pope: Mary mother of all

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis welcomed the new year Wednesday with a solemn morning mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, calling the faithful to look to Mary as a Mother to all and messenger of hope. In his homily for this, the Solemnity of the Mother of God, Pope Francis...