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The Pope Video: Welcome the Needy

Welcome the Needy, which is part of "The Pope Video" series promoted by the Vatican, was released Thursday, February 2. Every month we will see a new two-minute video from Pope Francis with his intentions and a motivating message. [youtube...

Pope Francis: Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time

In our Vincentian Family Commissions meetings last week in Rome, one of the topics raised and discussed on more than one occasion was communications. Questions discussed were how are we communicating across commissions, how we are communicating with the Vincentian...

Pope Adds New Urgent Intention to Monthly Prayers

After launching the first video series on his monthly prayer intentions last year, Pope Francis has decided to make some changes for 2017 by going back to an older system focusing on just one intention rather than two. However, true to form, he has also added a...

Fiftieth World Day of Peace: January 1, 2017

In a message from earlier this month, Pope Francis focuses on nonviolence for the 50th World Day of Peace, which is celebrated on January 1, 2017. On this occasion, I would like to reflect on nonviolence as a style of politics for peace. I ask God to help all of us to...
Yet another top ten list for Pope

Yet another top ten list for Pope

Mike Hayes writes on Busted Halo... "I watched as Pope Francis emerged on the balcony last March and bowed his head, asking the crowd to pray for him. I was taken aback at the new Holy Father’s humble gesture. Not only could you hear a pin drop in St. Peter’s Square...

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Rome Reports offers a powerful series of video moments it considers highlights and insights into Pape Francis' first year. The text below is even more powerful when viewed with appropriate video clips illustrating its choice in RomeReports. 1- HELP  As he introduced...

Yet another top ten list for Pope

March Madness – “Papal moments” version

Who would have thought of creating a tournament based on choosing the most highly rated moments during Pope Francis' first year? Why the folks at Busted Halo! Just in time for Pope Francis’ one year anniversary as pope and the madness of march, we (the folks at Busted...

Childrens App – Pope Francis Comics

Childrens App – Pope Francis Comics

The success of a kids’ comic book about Pope Francis has prompted its Italian publisher to turn it into an app for the English-speaking world according to a  CNS Blog. Called “Pope Francis Comics,” the app offers a kid-friendly mini-bio of the Argentine pontiff and 13...

Pope uses smart phone to urge Unity

WYD Message “Think Big! Open Your Hearts”

Pope Francis to Young People: "Think Big! Open Your Hearts" Holy See Releases Pontiff's Message for the 29th World Youth Day writes "The Holy See today published Pope Francis’ message for the 29th World Youth Day (WYD), which will take place on Palm Sunday,...