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Vincentian Marian Youth

Vincentian Marian Youth National Assembly in North India

From May, 23-26, 2022, the Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) in North India held their National Assembly in which a new National Council was elected.

New Vincentian Marian Youth members in Solomon Islands

Celebrating the first promises of our new Vincentian Marian Youth members from Ngariwane Community – Solomon Islands.

Happy Feast Day from the Vincentian Family in Belize

Greetings from Belize! Featuring the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Sisters of Charity of Halifax, SSVP, AMM, JMV, and Daughters of Charity.

Vincentian Marian Youth General Assembly: “Witness with Hope” (Day #1)

Yesterday, Wednesday July 14, the General Assembly 2021 of Vincentian Marian Youth began. From the VMY International Facebook page you can follow the event.