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Lenten Letter 2024 from Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, to the Vincentian Family

Rome, 18 February 2024 First Sunday of Lent To all the members of the Vincentian Family Movement ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT TO BE IN LOVE WITH JESUS Dear brothers and sisters in Saint Vincent, May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us! In my letter...

From Your Prodigious Mind this Whole World Was Made … • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"God also works incessantly from outside himself in the creation and preservation of this great universe, in the movements of the heavens, in the influences of the stars, in the productions of land and sea, in the nature of the atmosphere, in the regulation of the...

Lenten Examination of Conscience for Vincentians – Week 1

Each Friday of Lent we will share a different guide to help examine your conscience based on different aspects of our lives as members of the Vincentian Family.

My thinking about Lent has changed

Over the last 30 years, I have been learning to pay attention to the opportunities hidden in the events of my life.

Preach the Good News to the Poor

Preach the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is the one the Lord God has anointed with the Holy Spirit and has sent to preach the Good News to the poor. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  And the sacred writers and wise holy men and women bring them to light for us to see.  We...