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Mothers and Mary – Model For Us As Church

This week let’s look at how Mary modeled living life as Church.

On Earth as it is in Heaven

When I was a boy, maybe 6 or 7, Sr. Angela taught me and my classmates that heaven was this great place where we would praise God all day long for eternity. My response? “Huh?  boring!”

Gratitude: The Key (1 Cor. 9: 16-19; Mk.1:29-39)

A question: what is it that allows people to keep on giving? What is it that motivates someone who isn’t receiving any reward or payment to continue being generous?

Post-COVID Modern Day Rip Van Winkles

The “digital revolution” began some 50 years ago depending upon which milestone you choose. We are just now beginning to realize how this digital revolution is impacting every facet of our lives.  



There is an interesting story of an atheist who considered faith in the incarnation of Jesus as absurd. On a Christmas night when all the believers where in the Church to celebrate the birth of Christ, he stayed back at home. That night there was big thunder storm and...

Paradoxes: Signs of the New Creation

Paradoxes: Signs of the New Creation

Jesus brings in the new creation. The paradoxes that he lives and teaches let us know what the new creation means. Jesus uses hard sayings and paradoxes to announce the Good News.  And there are, in today’s gospel, examples of these hard sayings and paradoxes. For...