Recent updates:
Laudato Si and the Indigenous Worldview
by Archbishop Emeritus Sylvain Lavoie, OMI | October 18, 2020 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
Pope Francis is one of many strong voices beginning to unite with Indigenous voices in speaking out for the care of the environment.
The Good Samaritan, Pair of Jesuits and St. Vincent
by John Freund, CM | October 16, 2020 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
”Laudato Si’ taught us that EVERYTHING is connected; ‘Fratelli Tutti’ teaches us that EVERYONE is connected.”
Advocacy in an Election Year
by Jack Murphy, SSVP | October 15, 2020 | Formation, Reflections | 0 Comments
Participating in society is our Catholic duty. Let us pray for all the candidates and for all who will vote in elections around the world.
Giving Grants To Homeless People?
by Fr. Michael Carroll, CM | October 15, 2020 | Formation, Homelessness, Reflections | 1 Comment
Is giving money to homeless people a way help them? It might be squandered, or spent on harmful habits. FACTS do not support such thinking.
Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? XIII
by John Freund, CM | Sep 28, 2021 | Formation, Reflections
Vincent is burning with a spark of the same fire as burns in God.
A Note on Charity for Vincentian Month 2021
by Aidan R. Rooney, C.M. | Sep 26, 2021 | Formation, Reflections
If charity is our rule, as Saint Vincent de Paul taught us, what does it look like?
Constitutive, Indispensable, Crucial
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Sep 25, 2021 | Formation, Reflections
Jesus is constitutive of the Christian community. Do we say and live this as St. Vincent? Moises makes clear what...
“…standing among 20 “young nuns” “
by John Freund, CM | Jan 23, 2015 | Formation, Reflections, Sisters of Charity
These women have risked a joyful “yes” to a road not often traveled.
“Evangelized by the poor” – will we walk away sad?
by John Freund, CM | Jan 21, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
“To learn how to receive with humility. To learn to be evangelized by the poor”
Have your boarding pass ready
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jan 20, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 25, 2015 – Jon 3, 1-5. 10; 1 Cor 7, 29-31; Mk 1, 14-20 The time is running out (1 Cor 7, 29) The proclamation of the kingdom of God is also an invitation to repentance. “The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink,...
Baptism – Hold the Net – Blinded by the Lights – Ordinary Time
by Lynn L'Heureux | Jan 19, 2015 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Baptism – Hold the Net – Blinded by the Lights – Ordinary Time
Up close and personal
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jan 13, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 18, 2015 – 1 Sam 3, 3b-10. 19; 1 Cor 6, 13c-15a. 17-20; Jn 1, 35-42 Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with him (1 Cor 6, 17) Our Lord reveals himself to the clean of heart who show interest in him. He offers...
Random acts of kindness
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jan 8, 2015 | Formation, Reflections
Baptism of the Lord (B), January 11, 2015 – Is 42, 1-4. 6-7; Acts 10, 34-38; Mk 1, 7-11 He went about doing good (Acts 10, 38) We the baptized are authentic followers of Jesus if we, in imitation of him, are God’s humble and suffering servants. Jesus humbly undergoes...